Li'l Spider Girl screening at Scotland Loves Animation
September 19, 2012
Toshihisa Kaiya's directorial debut, Li'l Spider Girl (original title: Wasurenagumo) is screening with the other segments of the Anime Mirai project at the 3rd Scotland Loves Animation Festival (SLA 2012), to be held in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland from October 12th to 21st, 2012. The screening at SLA 2012 marks the movie's UK premiere.
Scotland Loves Animation is a UK based film festival, dedicated to animation, which began in 2010 with a primary focus on Japanese animation. It promotes animation worldwide with a core selection of events running in October each year. Based across two of Scotland's cultural hubs: Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland Loves Animation offers premiere screenings, exhibitions, workshops and international guests.
Screening schedule:
Date: October 14, 2012 (Sun)
Time: 14:30
Place: Glasgow Film Theatre
Date: October 21, 2012 (Sun)
Time: 18:00
Place: Edinburgh Filmhouse
Scotland Loves Animation 2012 official website:
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