Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 19 Negentropy

Focus: 19 Negentropy

Ghost Hound Focus 19

Air date: March 13, 2008

Erwin Schrödinger proposed a concept of negative entropy, or negentropy in which he tried to bring together the laws of thermodynamics, which postulated that the world tends to constantly increase in disorderliness, with life phenomena that continuously self-organized. The existence of unknown energy that contradicted the irreversibility of time remained a possibility until Ilya Prigogine published his dissipative structures theory.

Script: Daishiro Tanimura
Storyboard: Toshiya Niidome
Director: Daisuke Tsukushi
Animation Director: Kyoko Kotani

Ghost Hound Focus 19

Ghost Hound Focus 19

Ghost Hound Focus 19

Ghost Hound Focus 19
