Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 06 Brain Homunculus

Focus: 06 Brain Homunculus

Ghost Hound Focus 06

Air date: November 22, 2007

The Canadian neurologist Wilder Penfield succeeded in creating the sensation of an out-of-body experience by stimulating the cerebral neocortex with electrical probes. He was responsible for great discoveries about the localized functions of the brain, but he adhered to the Cartesian dualism of "the heart does not exist in the brain" to his final days.

Script: Chiaki J. Konaka
Storyboard: Katsuhisa Yamada
Director: Hiroshi Tamada
Animation Director: Joji Sawada

Ghost Hound Focus 06

Ghost Hound Focus 06

Ghost Hound Focus 06

Ghost Hound Focus 06
