Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 10 Affordance / T.F.T. -Thought Field Therapy-

Focus: 10 Affordance / T.F.T. -Thought Field Therapy-

Ghost Hound Focus 10

Air date: December 20, 2007

For instance, a fertile land with a river running through it affords a good environment for people to live in. The concept of affordance introduced by James Gibson originated from Gestalt psychology. The concept explains how a perceiver randomly discovers and acquires structure from a priori quality of the environment. Then what does the present world afford to the humans?

Script: Chiaki J. Konaka
Storyboard: Ryugu Akebono
Director: Hodaka Kuramoto
Animation Director: Joji Sawada

Ghost Hound Focus 10

Ghost Hound Focus 10

Ghost Hound Focus 10

Ghost Hound Focus 10
