The Sky Crawlers grabs 3 awards at Sitges 2008
October 14, 2008
Mamoru Oshii's latest animated feature film, The Sky Crawlers was awarded with the Jose Luis Guarner Critic Award, Best Soundtrack Award (to Kenji Kawai) and the Young Jury Award for the Best Motion Picture in the Fantastic Selection at the 41st SITGES International Film Festival of Catalonia (Sitges 08), held in Sitges, Spain from October 2 to 12, 2008.
The Sky Crawlers was the only animated film among the 23 works in the Official Fantastic Selection, the most prestigious competitive section of the festival, showcasing the best fantasy films from around the world and focusing on current genre tendencies.
Established in 1968, SITGES International Film Festival of Catalonia is the number one fantastic film festival in the world, and has become an essential rendezvous for movie lovers and audiences eager to come into contact with new tendencies and technologies applied to film and the audiovisual world.
Screening schedule:
Date: October 5, 2008 (Sun)
Time: 12:30 / 18:00
Place: Auditori Melià
Date: October 6, 2008 (Mon)
Time: 20:30
Place: El Retiro
Sitges 08 official website: