Production I.G> WORK LIST> Reideen> EPISODES> Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Air date: March 17, 2007

A new girl, Akira Midorino, joins Junki's class. At first he is attracted to her, but when he hears that her reason for changing schools was connected with the incident in Miyanobe Village, a sad feeling starts pervading his heart. Meanwhile, peace is again interrupted by the coming of a new, invisible enemy that leaves destruction behind its passage. Junki calls Reideen, but he falters and can't fade-in with the golden titan as images of Akira and the battle in Miyanobe flash across his mind. But his opponent has no hesitation...

Script: Masahiro Yokotani
Storyboard: Shunsuke Tada
Director: Yumi Kamakura
Animation Director: Toshiyuki Yahagi

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow

Episode 3: Invisible Shadow
