Book Girl: The Literature Girl (original title: Bungaku Shojo) is a feature film based on a best-selling light novel series written by Mitsuki Nomura and published in Japan by Enterbrain / Famitsu Publication. The first eight volumes of the on-going series have sold 1,600,000 copies in Japan alone. The movie is directed by Shunsuke Tada (Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelation, World Destruction).
"It was on that day when I met her, beneath the pure white blooms of the magnolia..."
Freshman Konoha Inoue just started school when he found a girl sitting peacefully under the magnolia blossoms. To his fascination, he sees the girl actually tear off a page from the book she is reading and... eat it.
The girl, Toko, is actually Seijo Academy's Literary Club President. Somewhat to his shock, she tells him in a way that brooks no argument that he is now a club member.
A year later, the now sophomore Konoha, is writing one of Toko's daily "snacks" when a "Romance Consulting" poster that Toko had put up nets a girl who wants them to write love letters for her. Before long, this starts causing unforeseen consequences... Join in as the story takes an unexpected turn, suddenly unfolding into a mystery with Konoha and Toko at the heart of it!
Yet what kind of story will the myriad relations of the characters ultimately spin?
Release date in Japan: May 1, 2010
Format: 1 x 103'
official website (Japanese only):
© 2010 Mizuki Nomura/PUBLISHED BY ENTERBRAIN, INC. "bungakushoujo" FP All
rights reserved.