AWA 2005 Report
Hi, this is Maki Terashima-Furuta from Production I.G USA. I thought I'd post this up just to thank all of you who came to the IGPX screening and the Production I.G panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta on September 23, 2005. By the time I decided to attend the convention, which was that Wednesday, the program guide had already been printed and it said "Bandai" in the 4pm slot, which was the time my panel was at. That may have helped bring more fans, but nonetheless it was exciting to see the room packed with people! At any rate, here are the photos I took at the convention including the one from the panel although they didn't really come out very nice. I'll learn to be a better photographer by the time I attend a convention next. Until then, please enjoy the photo album, and try to come to our next Production I.G panel (TBA) so that you too can be on the website!

The hotel where AWA was held. It was a nice size convention,
and the fans were all very sweet and friendly.

I personally thought these cosplayers were adorable!

Maki and Jason DeMarco at the Q&A session after the IGPX screening.
Of course Sean Akins was late, trying to buy a toy from the dealer's room.

10 minutes later, Sean joins the session, welcomed by a crowd of booing fans!
I don't remember what made Jason cry.

Look what I found! Mamimi and Haruko from FLCL. Unfortunately, Naota was not with them when I took this photo, but aren't these girls lovely?

Wow, I had never seen any Jin-Roh cosplayers (are they?) until now.
They look really cool!

I took this photo from the panelist table before people started leaving the door. Thank you all so much for coming to the I.G panel. You guys totally rocked!

Dinner at "Nam" with Yoko Ishida and the Geneon and Cartoon guys!